Technical Leaders ETF
Please find here some infos concerning ETF based on technical analysis.
Etudes de l'évolution de marchés financiers, (actions, obligations, indices, devises...) principalement sur base de graphiques, dans le but de prévoir les futures tendances.
Please find here some infos concerning ETF based on technical analysis.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 4:31 PM 0 commentaires
Après avoir formé une large figure baissière en forme de tête et épaule sur les années 2005 et 2006, le prix du zinc a depuis quelques mois déja atteint l'objectif de cette figure.Depuis lors après une stabilisation sur une importante droite de tendance haussière, le cours semble fortement repartir à la hausse.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 10:57 AM 0 commentaires
US consumer confidence fell more than forecast in February to the lowest level in five years as the labor market cooled and the economy faltered.The chart below compares the SP500 in yellow and the Consumer Confidence index.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 4:17 PM 1 commentaires
Libellés : SENTIMENT
Most short term indicators are now at oversold levels and most intermediate term indicators we looked are also at oversold readings.
Market internals remain oversold but are improving.
So that the market is oversold enough to rally but for now there is no pattern suggesting a sustained rally.
Taking risks have few chances to be rewarded as long as a valid signal did not appear.A wait and see market is the norm after a very strong decline but, as long as the process of reflection did not come to a end (base forming or distribution pattern?), it is highly preferable to stay on the sidelines.
This week we take a look at emerging markets, the MSCI EM Latin America made a new high (for 2008) last week and is strongly outperforming the Stoxx 600 (black line)
The MSCI EM Asia remains weak and volatile and the MSCI EM Eastern Europe technically ranges between the two others and is outerperforming European stocks.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 11:54 AM 0 commentaires
The downside target is close to be reached!
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 2:57 PM 1 commentaires
Libellés : SIGNAUX
Time cycle is often forgotten when analysing markets but it may be more important than price levels in the current environment.
So far, there is still a risk of seeing renewed weakness over the next few weeks, which would probably provide trading opportunities.
It remains difficult to assess the downside risk of such a move and especially whether the January lows will be broken or not.
According to the weekly chart below showing the SP500 and Fibonacci time projections an important low could occur during the end of April.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 2:50 PM 0 commentaires
Libellés : SIGNAUX
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 10:44 AM 0 commentaires
Solaria shares drop 20%!
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 3:40 PM 0 commentaires
Libellés : SIGNAUX
The DJ Euro Stoxx 50 rebounds from a very oversold condition.
Technically speaking a trading buy signal will be validated only above the 3900 resistance level.
A breakout above this level could extend the rally 6% higher.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 10:51 AM 0 commentaires
Libellés : INDICES
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 1:48 PM 0 commentaires
New energy shares : hype and reality.
Hoping the price will not reached the target of this (big) double top.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 4:44 PM 0 commentaires
Libellés : SIGNAUX
Technical ranking Stoxx sectors based on 3 different rates of change (1,3 and 6 months).
Momentum leads price, the challenge is to identify emerging strength and weakness with accuracy and consistency.
While major markets moves tend to be global in scope, some markets (sectors) are stronger than other, enabling investors to maximize bull markets profits by identifying the leaders and avoiding the laggards.
That’s why the current ranking position is compare to the position n days ago (normally 1 week ago.)
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 10:50 AM 0 commentaires
Libellés : SIGNAUX
L'ISM services US a très fortement chuté en janvier. C'est la plus forte baisse depuis le début de la série (juillet 97). Elle impliquerait - si on restait sur ces niveaux - une baisse du PIB de 6% au premier trimestre (en rythme annuel), ce que l'on a plus vu depuis début 1982.
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 4:31 PM 0 commentaires
Libellés : INDICES
Publié par HEIREBAUDT FREDERIC à 1:39 PM 0 commentaires